
Cashless payment transactions and automated teller machines (ATMs)

Name of survey





ZAVA; ZAVI: Data on payment cards and other payment instruments, broken down into credit cards, debit cards and e-money. Amount and number of transactions, broken down by location of transaction (domestic and foreign), by type of transaction (‘card-present’ or ‘card-not-present’ transactions for the purchase of goods and services; cash withdrawals), by card origin (domestic and foreign), and by business activity of the merchant; number of cards; number of terminals; float and loading (for e-money only)
ZAVG: Number of ATMs

Type of survey

ZAVA; ZAVI: Partial sample survey;
ZAVG: Full sample survey

Reporting institutions

ZAVA; ZAVI: Issuers and acquirers (including ATM acquirers) of credit and/or debit cards settling payments that exceed CHF 100 million (gross) per financial year in each case; issuers and acquirers of emoney settling payments that exceed CHF 50 million (gross) per financial year
ZAVG: Operators of ATM networks




1 month

Model type


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