
Current account survey

Name of survey

available configurations:
CAS-B for banks;
CAS-I for insurance corporations;
CAS-G for all other reporting institutions


Web tables


Transactions between entities domiciled in Switzerland/Liechtenstein (residents) and counterparties abroad (non-residents) in connection with trade in goods, services and intangible assets. Cross-border transactions relating to investment income, insurance operations and various transfers such as fines, penalties and aid are also covered.

Type of survey

Partial sample survey

Reporting institutions

Legal entities and companies if the aforementioned cross-border transactions exceed CHF 100,000 during a given quarter.




1 month

Special provisions

The surveys follow the guidelines of the International Monetary Fund (Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, sixth edition) and the requirements of the bilateral agreement on statistics between Switzerland and the European Union.

Model type


Delivery formats

XML, CSV, web tables

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