Collective capital investment statistics
Name of survey
F0xx (Forms are only available in German and French)
Assets and changes in the assets of collective capital investment schemes; value of the units issued and reimbursed by the collective capital investment scheme; breakdown of assets by Switzerland and other countries, by currency and by investment category (money market instruments, claims from repurchase transactions, bonds, shares and other equity securities, units in other collective capital investment schemes, land and buildings, other securities); breakdown of liabilities by Switzerland and other countries; breakdown of collective capital investment schemes by legal form and by the legal type of open collective capital investment schemes; income statement; risk statistics source data for collective capital investment schemes
Type of survey
Full sample survey
Reporting institutions
Investment fund managers of Swiss funds and Swiss companies offering collective capital investment schemes under the Act on Collective Capital Investments of 23 June 2006
20 days
Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA)
State Secretariat for International Finance (SIF)
State Secretariat for International Finance (SIF)