Current account survey CAS (1.0) ZIP Current account survey CAS(1.0) ZIP Documents Information on this release E_CAS_ReleaseNotes_1.0.pdf PDF CAS-B Banks, CSV template E_CAS-B_1.0.csv CSV CAS-B Banks, XML schema E_CAS-B_1.0.xsd XSD CAS-B Banks, XML example E_CAS-B_Exp_1.0.xml XML CAS-G Other reporting institutions, CSV template E_CAS-G_1.0.csv CSV CAS-G Other reporting institutions, XML schema E_CAS-G_1.0.xsd XSD CAS-G Other reporting institutions, XML example E_CAS-G_Exp_1.0.xml XML CAS-I Insurance corporations, CSV template E_CAS-I_1.0.csv CSV CAS-I Insurance corporations, XML schema E_CAS-I_1.0.xsd XSD CAS-I Insurance corporations, XML example E_CAS-I_Exp_1.0.xml XML Information on the subject-specific model underlying the CAS survey E_CAS_Model_1.0.xlsx XLSX Reconciliating the new CAS survey with the previous CAGQ, CABQ, CAIQ and CATQ surveys and vice versa E_CAS_Migration_1.0.xlsx XLSX